
Our farm Grýtubakki is located about 35 km (22 mi) away from Akureyri on the east side of Eyafjörður at road 83 in direction Grenivík. From Akureyri, it takes you about 35 minutes by car to reach our place. Both the town Húsavík and the lake Mývatn are situated about 90 km (56 mi) away from our farm. The driving time is one hour and 15 minutes. The waterfall Goðafoss is only a 45 minutes’ drive or 50 km (31 mi) away from Grýtubakki.

Coming from Akureyri: Please follow the Ring Road in direction Egilsstaðir until reaching the roundabout in front of the tunnel Vaðlaheiðargöng. Do NOT drive through the tunnel! Instead, take the second exit in direction Grenivík (road 83). Follow this road until arriving at our farm. Do a left-hand turn when reaching the junction to Víkurskarð. After driving by the turf houses called Láufas and over the bridge across the river Fnjóská turn left. Our farm is located about 4 km (2,5 mi) further away on the right-hand side of the road and is marked by two big signs (“Pólar Hestar” and “Riding Tours”).

Coming from the east: Driving on the Ring Road in direction Akureyri, there are three possibilities to reach our farm – through the valley Fnjóskádalur, via the pass Víkurskarð or through the tunnel Vaðlaheiðargöng. The gravel road 835 through the valley Fnjóskádalur forks off the Ring Road to the right just before reaching a bridge across the river Fnjóská. Please follow the road for 22 km (14 mi). The road ends in road 83 in direction Grenivík. Drive on for about 4 km (2,5 mi) to arrive at our farm (see above). The road 84 via the pass Víkurskarð forks off the Ring Road, too. In good weather it provides a fantastic view over the fjord Eyafjörður. Please turn to the right into road 83 in direction Grenivík at the end of the pass. Follow this road as stated above. We advise you not to drive through the tunnel unless both other possibilities are impassable, as doing so extents your driving time and distance. Take the first exit in the roundabout right after the tunnel in direction Grenivík (road 83) and follow the directions as if coming from Akureyri.

Please note: You have to pay a fee for using the tunnel. For information about pricing and payment visit: http://www.veggjald.is/en.